我們的蒙特梭利夢想家部落格正式啟用,我們秉持蒙特梭利博士的理想以及對於兒童的熱愛,決定透過這個部落格來開啟我們蒙特梭利志業的新紀元,這是屬於我們未來事業藍圖與理想討論的園地,發起人KEVIN和IRIS 會持續服務大家,不管在哪一方面,我們都會以一個團隊精神的態度,一起努力,讓我們的E-Montessori 在亞洲發光發熱。今日的挫折是我們明日前進的動力,我們要將這樣的失望與難過化為成就偉大志業的能量,讓我們在多年後的今天可以慶祝這樣的經驗與境遇,我們要讓帶領我們前進的老師和孩子們以我們這一群同學為榮。透過這個園地,我們將大家的智慧和創造力凝聚起來,成就我們這個團隊的夢想! 今日含淚播種,明日必定歡笑收割!
Dear Montessori Dreamers,
This blog just opened for all of our team members today! We follow the path of Dr. Montessori and follow our love for all children and set up this blog to open an new era for Asian Montessori movement. This is a blog for us to discuss our future business and ideals. Iris and Kevin, as the co-bloggers, will serve our team members as a team. Let's shine the Asian region with our montessori movement. It is sad that we couldn't make to Xavier at the last minute, however, let's turn this frustration and disappointment into strength and motivation so that we can celebrate today's obstacle and experience. This blog shall gather our wisdom and creativity to fufill our dream! Today we sow the seeds with tears and shall harvest with laughter!
2008年6月27日 星期五
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